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Premium Range-The Up And Over Beach Rig 3/0+2/0 Pennel Wide Gape x 3 Rig Pack on RIG WINDERS!!


3 x premium up and over rigs on foam rig winders

Considered one of the best Ray and Plaice rigs because of the length of the whole rig when layed out as demonstrated in the video below. I have only used this rig a handfull of times and once in rough weather big surf and it never tangled once!


New for 2025 the premium range up and over rig for the beach connoisseur!

What you get

3 x Premium Bassmans Bounty up and over beach Ray rigs on Foam rig winders(various  colours/brands)

60lb Sakuma Rig body, 60lb Sakuma long hook length, size 1/0 WSB rolling swivels, Breakaway Imp clip, hanging snap link, Fluro beads, 3/0 Koike wide gape front hook, Koike wide gape 2/0 pennel hook.

Considered one of the best Ray and Plaice rigs because of the length of the whole rig when layed out as demonstrated in the video below. I have only used this rig a handfull of times and once in rough weather big surf and it never tangled once!

Rigging up!

Attach your mainline to the swivel, put your rod on your rod rest(its easier when the rig is hanging down just off the ground, clip in your weight to the imp clip, wind the hook length up and over the upside down hanging snap link just under the top swivel and pull down to clip in to the imp clip at the bottom, now you are ready to cast, you now have three parallel lines, rig lays out when hitting the bottom.

5 reasons why i have created this range of premium rigs on rig winders?

  1. Ease of use when setting up
  2. simple clean storage solution compatible with most rig winder boxes
  3. tangle free
  4. safer storage of hooks in the foam rig winder, less rusting if hooks are rinsed and dried before storage
  5. Less plastic

I myself have been frustrated at times over the years getting whatever rig out of my rig wallet only to rush it and end up tangling the rig before i have even started fishing costing me valuable time, we have all been there right?

This is is a very long bespoke up and over Ray rig so perfect for beach fishing in strong tides and all conditions,,,,



Free uk mainlaind and N.I delivery, usually delivered in a few days apart from weekends


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