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Standard Pulley Rig 3/0+3/0 Koike wide gape (3 Rig Pack)


3 x pulley rigs £7.95 including postage, UK mainland only.

 Pulley pennel rig a classic pulley rig with 80lb sakuma line for the pulley body and 60lb sakuma hook length, branded Pulley bead, 3/0 Koike wide gape hooks plus a hanging snap weight link for clipping down rig perfect for strong tides deep water marks targeting Rays, Cod, Bass and Whiting.


Buy two 3 rig packs and get one free rig 


3 x pulley rigs £7.95 including postage, UK mainland only.

Pulley pennel rig a classic pulley rig with 80lb sakuma line for the pulley and 60lb sakuma hook length, branded Pulley bead, 3/0 Koike main hook and a 3/0 Koike pennel hook plus a hanging snap weight link for clipping down rig perfect for strong tides deep water marks targeting Rays, Cod, Bass and Whiting.

Classic Pulley rig with a pennel hook to secure you”re chosen bait whilst keeping a low profile in the hook design comes with a branded pulley bead and hanging snap weight link/clip down.