9lbs Bass Squid Carte Bomb-Deluxe Sakuma Pulley Rig

2021 here I come! Out with wingman in north easterly gale launching squid bombs into the brackish surf using my deluxe Sakuma pulleys.

It was one of those do or die short sessions very hard work keeping up with the Continuous floating debris and big pushing tide.

We lost a couple rigs to big branches so I switched up to the the heavier Tronixpro MXV which is perfect for surf fishing and tied on a deluxe Sakuma pulley rig loaded with another squid bomb, 5 minutes later the soft forgiving tip slammed over pinning the rod to the rest it was a struggle to get it off the rest and hang on in there.

I started gaining line and turned the fish towards me then more big lunges as she kited in the surf. After a couple minutes she was visible thrashing on the surface a big silver flank coming ever closer to the danger zone! As I bullied her up the beach another big swell hit and all we could do was watch her slipping back out into the weed zone nooooo. One more big effort and up she came on a big wave and I held tight whilst the wave receded leaving the beast beached temporarily. I screamed BRETT FECKING GRAB IT MAN! Brett immediately jumped into action pinning the fish then fumbled picking her up 3 times(me still screaming GRAB IT before finally getting a grip WHOOHOO YES ?

What a great capture not quite the 6th double I’ve been chasing for two months but close enough at 9 pounds ?

The big fat female went back and there’s still another few weeks until they disappear out to breed so I’m still chasing the dream cheers ?
Find my Deluxe Sakuma pulley rigs here mail order Uk mainland only ?
Tight lines
Bassman ?