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Multi Species Guiding for 2025


I have spent hundreds of hours often alone searching new locations and pushing my limits over the last 30 plus years to finally become a multi species fishing guide offering guided sessions on Bass, Wrasse, Mullet,Bream, Conger Eel, Ray, Plaice, Huss and Carp.

Local knowledge is key and i have a multitude of marks for most weather and tidal conditions

You’ll see how I fish and the tweaks I do to make things happen and get the results. I fish hard and concentrate 100% of the time and never get distracted or even look at my phone when things aren’t happening, this school of thought has undoubtedly made a difference to my general fishing. its all about the conditions on the day and capitalising on that. i don’t give up and sit back and often switch things up when times are tough often going the extra mile to get things done. By the end of your session you will have the confidence to go it alone.

Due to the fact I am a conscientious fishing guide i choose the best tides of the month to offer out not just blanket book.

I also go the extra mile getting everything prepped including in the case of the conger fishing pre baited hook lengths ready to go saving precious time when fishing.

I also factor out the travelling time to and from the venue including walking times so you get the hours you have paid for.

As a fishing guide that more often than not gets the results if things get tough I will often go to extra time if I think there’s a chance  of a fish or two.

On the flip side if you are hauling them in i generally don’t walk away from good fishing and go to extra time to maximise you’re session.

As a professional fishing guide I generally DO NOT FISH, why would you pay good money only to be out fished by your guide?, the only time I entertain fishing when guiding is on the guided Mullet sessions, mullet fishing is very challenging and I have found that me fishing an extra rod gives more chances of a hook up and the rod is quickly transferred to the paying client for the best bit being the fight on light gear heart stopping stuff! 


From February i will be a full time fishing guide due to leaving my tackle shop businness so more availability and options compared to last year where i had to turn down a lot of bookings and last minute enquires due to running the shop. On that note please try and book you’re session at least three months in advance to avoid disappointment. I guide all year round thanks to the winter bass, Conger and Mullet fishing. Check out the short Conger guided session in the video below.

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Paul Bassman.

Conger Fishing
Ballan Wrasse
Mullet Fishing
Bass Fishing
Gilthead Bream
Customer Catches

Conger Fishing

I now have a firm obsession with the Conger Eel and being schooled by the British shore record holder has definitely rubbed off on me gaining decades worth of knowledge in a few years, there is NOTHING like the pull of a decent Conger especially fishing in depths of 90 feet they are brutal predators and have my upmost respect, my PB Conger is 30 pounds which I landed myself last February. The fight was incredible and I was exhausted after the long battle something I’ll never forget. Safety is paramount when targeting Eels and there is a lot can go wrong, I will only use a gaff when absolutely necessary and always release the snakes after capturing.

Ballan Wrasse

Rock hopping for big specimen Ballan Wrasse is another big fairly recent passion of mine and I will guarantee fish with my style of vertical jigging or your money back!, these brutes go like stink on ultra light gear and you need a fairly decent level of fitness if you want to join me on the rocks, again it’s catch picture and release.

Mullet Fishing

Mullet Fishing, impossible mission? Not at all!, I’m still working them out after 20 years that’s the beauty of the grey ghosts and I have had specimens January February and March this year before moving onto other species, mullet fishing is really intense never boring and you feel like a kid again stalking these magnificent sporting fish.

Bass Fishing

Bass fishing hmmm now there’s a sport!, I’ve kind of been there and done that for over 30 years now, I realise that the lure market is the biggest draw these days for Bass fishing but there are a hell of a lot of novice anglers out there who have never caught a Bass and would love to.

I’ve been lucky enough to catch 5 double figure bass from the shore over the years and plenty of high singles, Every bass anglers dream is a 10 pound fish, you’ve certainly got a better chance of that picking the right conditions using big baits and I know where the big girls hang out!

Gilthead Bream

Available from End of April-October

These stunning looking silver missiles put Bass to shame when it comes to pure speed and direction change, fast becoming the new Mediterranean game fish here in the Uk.

This fish my P.B at 5 pounds really tested my light gear and me!

I am renowned for being a bit OTT and yes I do get a bit excited when i hook up but that’s honestly how fishing makes me feel.

You really need a positive mental attitude when fishing and a belief that you are going to catch!

I get a massive buzz helping other anglers achieve there target-species.

Customer Catches


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